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Valdemar Tomaševski: we are the model of fair policy

´Last Sunday we have gained the eighth parliamentary seat. Rita Tamašunienė has won in the Nemenčinė single member constituency. We are the only party which was in power and did not lose its voters,’ said Valdemar Tomaševski, the leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA). Last Monday, after the second tour of the parliamentary elections in Lithuania, the BNS agency invited the party leaders, who won the parliamentary seats, to discuss the results of the elections. Read more

More seats for EAPL-CFA after the first round than four years ago

The parliamentary elections in Lithuania are over. After the first round of the elections the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA) have gained seven seats in the Parliament, five from the national list (about 70 thousand votes or 5,8 percent in the national scale) and two in the single member constituencies. That is more than four years ago in 2012, when there were only six seats. Only one percent was needed in the Nemenčinė constituency to attain the eight seat, where Rita Tamašunienė obtained 49 percent of the votes and will surely win in the second round. Thus the party confirmed the stably high position in the Lithuanian political stage. Read more

New logo of EAPL-CFA

Another step after the new name of the party – Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA) – was transforming the logo of the party. The Chief Council has approved the new logo last Monday, on 22 August. Read more

EAPL-CFA candidates of single-member constituency


1. Naujamiesčio Artur Liudkovski
2. Senamiesčio Tadeuš Lavrynovič
3. Antakalnio Tadeuš Andžejevski
4. Žirmūnų Renata Cytacka
5. Fabijoniškių Rafael Muksinov
6. Šeškinės Zbigniev Maciejevski
7. Justiniškių Danuta Narbut
8. Karoliniškių Edita Tamošiūnaitė
9. Lazdynų Jaroslav Kaminski
10. Naujosios Vilnios Vanda Kravčionok
11. Panerių Romualda Poševeckaja
12. Verkių Gžegož Sakson
16. Dainavos Aleksandr Fiodorov
20. Baltijos Tamara Šuklina
21. Marių Irina Rozova
22. Pajūrio Andrej Kugmerov
23. Danės Oleg Marinič
40. Kelmės Laimutė Burbienė
52. Visagino-Zarasų Dmitrij Ikonikov
53. Nalšios Zbignev Jedinskij
54. Molėtų-Širvintų Rasa Tamošiūnienė
55. Nemenčinės Rita Tamašunienė
56. Šalčininkų-Vilniaus Leonard Talmont
57. Medininkų Česlav Olševski
58. Trakų-Vievio Jaroslav Narkevič
59. Kaišiadorių-Elektrėnų Evelina Solovjova
70. Varėnos-Trakų Maria Puč
71. Lazdijų-Druskininkų Rokas Dailydė


National minorities in Vilnius called for help from the USA

500 Participants of the rally protested against the reform destroying the education system of national minorities in Lithuania, elimination of national minority schools, unified examination of the state language and realigning the curriculum of Lithuanian language teaching as of the first grade. People also called for accrediting all secondary schools of national minorities. Read more

New name of EAPL

During the 8th reporting-elective convention of the EAPL party, delegates unanimously made amendments to the Statute of EAPL. The most important change was the addition made to the name of the party. From now on the new name of the party will be ‘Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance’ (EAPL-CFA). Read more