Blank form (FR0512 blank)
Blank form (FR0512 blank) can be downloaded at this link:
Blank form (FR0512 blank) can be downloaded at this link:
Thanks to your understanding and decision to transfer 1 percent of the amount of personal income tax paid by you, the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA) was supported by 16 549 working people last year, which puts the party on the first position among Lithuanian parties. EAPL-CFA has been enjoying a lot of support and trust of voters for many years.
This year the State Tax Inspectorate has introduced some changes. As of 1 January 2020 taxpayers can allocate 1.2% (before it was 2%) of their income tax to social organizations, educational-cultural-social institutions or parishes. Additionally, 0,6% (before – 1%) can be allocated to political parties and another 0,6% (before – 1%) to trade unions.
We kindly ask you to allocate 0.6% of your income tax to the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance. The amount will be deducted from the taxes already paid to the State Tax Inspectorate (VMI), so no additional costs will be met. By allocating 0,6% to EAPL-CFA, you still have the opportunity to support any social organization or educational-cultural-social institution or parish or trade union of your choice. It makes 2,4% in total (1,2+0,6+0,6). In case the percentage is not allocated, the amount will be returned to the state budget
According to the data regarding previous elections – municipal, presidential, to the European Parliament and to the Lithuanian Parliament – the regional party Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance is gaining more and more votes. Anyone can support the party by allocating 0.6 %. It has to be mentioned, that EAPL-CFA is the only parliamentary party that does not accept any offers of funding from business structures and has not been involved in any corruption scandals. The party, working solely in the interest of its voters, is a good example of a fair policy.
Blank form (blank FR0512) with the indication of the organization to which the State Tax Inspectorate has to transfer 0.6% can be completed by any working person. The completed form must be submitted to the Tax Inspection Department, sent via Internet or by mail. Persons who declare property and income annually may attach this form to their declaration.
Dear Friends, please use one of three ways to submit the FR0512 tax form:
1. send electronically via the EDS electronic declaration system;
2. provide in person to the Tax Inspection Department to which the employer pays the tax;
3. send via traditional mail only to the following address in Druskininkai:
VMI prie FM Mokestinių prievolių departamento
Dokumentų tvarkymo ir archyvavimo skyriui
Neravų g. 8
LT-66257 Druskininkai
Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija-Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga.
Įmonės kodas: 191783856
Thank you for your support!
I assure you that we will continue to defend your rights honestly and principally!
On behalf of the Supreme Council of the EAPL-CFA,
Valdemar Tomasevski